Near Me kolkata Escorts

Ishika Near Me kolkata Escort

Hello Guys, I am Ishika. I use every kind of kolkata escort Near Me service. I am an enthusiastic fan and offer my customers the highest levels of satisfaction in the way they want it. I am the most demanded call girl in kolkata. When a man wants to bring a high in his boring sexual life, when a guy wants to launch stress from his mundane routine, when a man wants to experience sexual satisfaction differently, I am there to as a one-stop solution. My charismatic vibrant sexy mature will make you starve me more. I ensure to give you physical fulfillment which you might have only daydreamed for. You are at the ideal location for your fantasies to be fulfilled. My seduction will take you for a gorgeous sexual ride. From being cosy, caring to the wild in bed, I am all there for you.

Personal Details

  • Age: 24
  • Height: 169
  • Weight: 56
  • Eyes: Black
  • Location: kolkata
  • Languages: English, Hindi


  • 2 Hour
  • INR. 15,000
  • INR. 15,000
  • Book Now
  • 3 Hour
  • INR. 20,000
  • INR. 20,000
  • Book Now
  • Dating
  • INR. 25,000
  • INR. 25,000
  • Book Now
  • Over Night
  • INR. 35,000
  • INR. 35,000
  • Book Now

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