Body to Body Massage kolkata Escorts

Sanjana Body to Body Massage Escort kolkata

I am Sanjana kolkata Body to Body Massage escort who have been using the very best kolkata escorts services to my customers and spreading happiness amongst everybody. My love for companionship led me to this field and soon I ended up being an independent kolkata Massage Girl. If you are searching for a best buddy then I am ready to satisfy all your desires and provide you extraordinary Erotic Massage Service.

Sanjana kolkata Body to Body Massage Escort We are best buddy in kolkata and Popular all India, using high class kolkata escorts to our highly regarded clients.

Personal Details

  • Age: 21
  • Height: 168
  • Weight: 51
  • Eyes: Black
  • Location: kolkata
  • Languages: English, Hindi


  • 2 Hour
  • INR. 15,000
  • INR. 15,000
  • Book Now
  • 3 Hour
  • INR. 20,000
  • INR. 20,000
  • Book Now
  • Dating
  • INR. 25,000
  • INR. 25,000
  • Book Now
  • Over Night
  • INR. 35,000
  • INR. 35,000
  • Book Now

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